Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day of Dialog

School Library Journal's Day of Dialog, a day-long program where librarians, publishers, and authors meet to discuss issues and trends affecting the book and library world for children and teens. It's an opportunity to preview upcoming books and pick up bagloads of advanced reading copies (I assign students to review these for purchase). Among the highlights were a panel discussion on diversity in literature; and a panel on the state of e-books for children. As well, it is a chance to circulate with other teacher-librarians in the city (and country).

Thursday, May 19, 2011


New York City School Library Services Spring Conference: An Exploratorium. This event, with over 350 attendees (school librarians and teachers from all NYC boroughs), was a chance to look at students' work produced in libraries all over the city. It was set up "science-fair" style--with tabletop displays around the perimeter of a room. I presented the animoto book trailers that 4th and 5th graders have been producing. I also had a chance to walk around a get good ideas to bring back to PS 63/Neighborhood School. In addition, there were presentations from the librarians of New York Public, and a "petting zoo" of new technology including several e-readers, e.g., Kindles, iPads, Nooks, etc.